
Showing posts from June, 2018

Sis. Bonnie L. Oscarson (Apr. 18): "Young Women in the Work"

This activity, if done in full, requires some extra planning.  It could, though, easily be cut down some and still be valuable.  The inspiration for this activity came from Sis. Oscarson's talk itself-- as will probably be rather obvious.  The Activity: PRIOR: Ask the Young Women's leaders in your unit to do the following activity with the young women in your ward and share the results with you.  You will use these results in step 9 of this activity. Around the room post three signs:  Temple and Family History Work Comforting and Strengthening Members Sharing the Gospel Give each class member a number of post-it notes. Direct the class members to consider the young women in your unit and the areas of church service outlined on the signs.  Think about how the young women could help in each area of the work. Ask the class members to write their thoughts on the post-it notes-- 1 idea per post-it note. Have the class members post their notes ...

Bro. Douglas D. Holmes (Apr. 18): "What Every Aaronic Priesthood Holder Needs to Understand"

The Activity: Read Paragraphs 1-5 of the talk ("Brethren, it is . . . work to do.") Tell the class that the purpose of this activity is to better understand how Father sees the Aaronic Priesthood by reviewing the powers and responsibilities of the Aaronic Priesthood. Divide the class into five groups. Assign each group one of the following scriptures to discuss D&C 13 D&C 20:46-52 D&C 20: 53-56 D&C 84:22-27 D&C 107:20 Have the groups read and discuss their assigned passage.  Ask them to make a list of the powers and responsibilities as outlined in the passage and to consider exactly what each power and/or responsibility would look like. After a few minutes, come back and dicuss. Using the Activity: So, this is a pretty straightforward activity, but there is one slight departure from my normal M.O.  As I have been envisioning activities for these conference talks, I have felt strongly to design activities that focused on getting the cla...

Elder Taylor G. Godoy (Apr. 18): "One More Day"

The Activity: Beforehand, prepare a document that has a table in it that has 2 columns and 3 rows. Pass out one handout (see step #1) to each class member and make sure that each one has something to write with. Ask class members to think of a time when they sacrificed for something.  Let them think for a moment. Ask them to record the basic details of that time in the first box (upper left-hand corner for languages that read right to left). Ask them to record the results of that sacrifice in the box across from the details of that sacrifice. Now, ask the class members to think of a time that someone sacrificed for them.  Again, give them a few moments. Now, ask them to right the details of this sacrifice in the box below the details of the first sacrifice.  And the results across from that. Put these handouts aside while you discuss this talk.  Encourage the class members to refer to what they wrote down during the conversation. At the end:  Ask ...