Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Apr. '24): "Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys"
This is a relatively short talk, but it is full of both invitations and promises from our prophet. The blessings enumerated and promised are especially inspiring (par. 25-31). However, for this activity I chose to focus on the invitations that Pres. Nelson extends to us as members. The Activity: Insure that every class member has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically. Insure that every class member has something to write with and on (a device would work fine). Write on the board (or post printed statements) of the 3 (or 5 depending on how you choose to break up the last one) invitations that Pres. Nelson gives us. Par. 8-9 "Jesus Christ then . . . for you personally." Par. 16 "Consider how your . . . to the earth." Par. 19-22 "I invite you . . . home to Him." (the three statements here could be listed separately). Ask the class members to read these statements and spend a moment silently considering one of the invitations. (Option...