Elder Joni L. Koch (Oct. 17): "Apart, but Still One"

The Activity:

1.     After discussing the talk for a bit, divide the class members into small groups (3-5 people in each group).

2.     Give each group a copy of the talk (or make sure they have access to one via a device or some other way).

3.     Ask the groups to review the discussion so far and to skim over the talk for any points that were missed in the class discussion.

4.     Have each group write a commandment (Thou shalt/ Thou shalt not) based on Elder Koch’s talk.

5.     Ask each group to share their commandment and why they felt it was significant.

Using the Activity:

I imagine that this is an activity that would be done towards the end of the class period (perhaps as the last thing).  The value here is that it asks students to review and consider all of the points discussed one more time and to try and distill those points into a single, actionable item.  Mentally, this type of review (not a passive review where someone recounts things, but an active review where the class members themselves engage one final time with the material) can make a significant difference in what and how much is remembered from a lesson.  So, this activity is designed to try and increase what the class members will take away from the lesson. 

Furthermore, while the commandments written are obviously not real commandments like we find in Exodus, they do represent single items that class members can easily remember that help them apply the principles in this talk.  Again, the idea is to have discussions that increase testimony and change behavior.  This is a way for class members to have a single thing they can focus on doing in the coming days to more fully live the principles in this talk.

I pray this idea is of use to you.  God bless you in your callings. 


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