Pres. M. Russell Ballard (Apr. 18): "Precious Gifts from God"

In his talk, Pres. Ballard speaks of four gifts from God.  This activity is designed to help the class members more fully recognize each of these gifts and make commitments to treat these gifts more sacredly.

The Activity:
  1. Divide the class into three groups.
  2. Assign each group one of the first three gifts that President Ballard talks about-- the Sabbath Day, the sacrament, and service.
  3. Ask each group to review the portion of Pres. Ballard's talk pertaining to their assigned gift.
  4. As they do so, ask each group to answer these two questions:
    1. How is _____________ a gift to us from Heavenly Father?
    2. How can we take better advantage of this gift in our lives?
  5. After a few minutes, come back together as a class and discuss the answers to these questions.
  6. Now, as a class, looking at President Ballard's talk and reflecting on your own lives, answer the same two questions for the final gift spoken of in the talk-- Our Savior.
Using the Activity:
This talk is designed to help class members focus on the exact words of a prophet and to try to apply those words to our own lives (liken the words to ourselves, as Nephi would say).  That is where the power of this activity comes from-- the emphasis on a prophet's words.  Also, this activity serves as a catalyst to ponder and reflect on each gift in a class member's individual life. 

As this discussion goes on, especially with the final step, gently nudge class members to be specific about their answers-- to share, as appropriate, specific incidents wherein the Savior was a gift to them and specific ways they could be more appreciative of His life and atonement.  Being more specific, even in our own minds, is akin to bearing testimony and invites the Spirit into our hearts and classes.  When the Spirit there, testimonies are strengthened and resolves are made more firm. 

Please let me know how this activity works for you.  God bless.


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