Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Apr. 18): "Let Us All Press On"

This is an interesting talk in that it reminds me of many of the conclusions to sections in the Doctrine and Covenants.  In those sections, and this talk, it feels like there are a number of things said that are important but they don't get the build up they normally would because we are at the end.  In any case, I hope this is a useful activity.

The Activity:
  1. Write down several of the directions and blessings that Pres. Nelson mentions in this talk on large sheets of paper (depending on how you go from here).  For example:
    1. "I exhort you to study the messages of this conference frequently" (Para. 6)
    2. "Conscientiously look for ways . . . not of our faith" (Para. 6)
    3. "Your desire to obey . . . past two days" (Para, 6)
    4. "Construction of these temples . . . temple surely will" (Para. 10).
    5. Etc.
  2. Ask class members to look over the quotes you have posted around the room and to consider how they might apply these counsels in their lives or what they bring to mind.
  3. After a couple of moments, ask class members to silently go and write a couple of specific thoughts they had about the counsels listed.  These could be resolves they will make to implement these things in their lives or they could be other conference talks or scriptures that these remind them of.
  4. Afterwards, review some of what is written on each poster with the whole class.  Do NOT ask who wrote what, but you can encourage those who have felt prompted to implement a change in their lives to more fully incorporate some of these counsels to reach out for support in meeting their new goal.  For example, a person who has felt inspired to more attentively study the conference talks might want to set up a weekly time to discuss a talk with a friend or their spouse.  Another person who wants to go to the temple more regularly could enlist a group of people to go with them on a regular basis.  In other words, as we strive to meet these goals the Spirit inspires us to make, we can be more successful by seeking help.
  5. Express love and appreciation for each class member and their goodness.  Speak encouragingly of their inspired choices and bear testimony.
Using the Activity:
The emphasis of this activity is obviously to help class members apply the counsel found in this talk.  As people try to make changes in their lives, they often need divine help.  As we have been told, most often divine help comes through mortal hands.  So, the step of encouraging people to seek support and help is important.  Plus, it has the added benefit of increasing unity as group members work together for the exaltation of other members. 

One potential variation on this lesson would be to pass around smaller (computer paper sized) sheets of paper with a single counsel written on it.  In many cases, this may require multiple copies of the sheets of paper to avoid having too much down time.  In this case, class members would not have to get up from their seats to participate.  So, if you have class members for whom mobility is an issue, this might be an effective alternative. 

I hope that if you use this activity, it is effective for you in bringing in the Spirit and brining your class members to Christ.  God bless.


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