Bishop Gérald Caussé (Apr. 18): "It Is All about People"


The Activity:
  1. Give each class member an index card and tell them to hold on to them until later in the lesson.
  2. Open a discussion with the class around this question:  "If Jesus were to attend our block of Sunday meetings, what would He do?"
  3. Record responses on the board
  4. After a few moments, read Bishop Caussé's answer to the same question (Para. 14-15:  "Have you ever . . . we do likewise?")
  5. Discuss what this quote suggests-- there will probably be a good deal of overlap between what the class members said and what Bishop Caussé suggests.
  6. Direct the class members' attention to the last question in this passage:  "Can we do likewise?"
  7. Ask class members to spend a couple of moments silently pondering how they can "do likewise" in church next Sunday.
  8. Now, have the class members write down a goal that they felt inspired to set for being more Christ-like.
Using the Activity:

The most powerful part of this lesson is the last step where we ask the class members to set a specific goal addressing how they can be more Christ-like.  Ultimately, our lessons should always be about testimony and action.  We want our class members' testimonies to increase and their lives to be better as a result of being in our class.  In all honesty, that is at most minimally about us; instead, as the Spirit is present, our class members can receive the inspiration they need to be better and believe more strongly. 

I also feel like Bishop Caussé's comments are a good example of the power of our leaders.  I have thought about what Christ would do in Church before but never in that great of detail.  As I read what is shared here, I am impressed by the depth of his words about our Savior and touched by the message he shares.  

I hope that this activity helps you as you strive to magnify your calling-- even if it only serves as a catalyst for a completely different idea.  Thank you for visiting my blog.


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