Pres. Dallin H. Oaks (Oct. 18): "Parents and Children"

For this lesson as well, I imagine that it will be taught mostly to Relief Societies.  So, I focused the activity on the part of the talk directed to the women of the Church.  As I do so, I am operating under the definition of motherhood most closely aligned to womanhood and having less to do with having biological children at home.

The Activity:

  1. Acknowledge that all women are mothers regardless of current situations and that mothers perform their duties in a variety of ways that are best suited to the needs of the woman and her family.  No judging allowed here.  
  2. Review the quote Pres. Oaks shares from Pres. Nelson, Sect. II Para. 6,  "Today we need . . . who teach fearlessly."
  3. Identify the things women in the Church are charged with doing in this quote.  Break it up into the following items (or your own breakdown):
    1. "know how to  . . . by their faith"
    2. "courageous defenders . . . in a sin-sick world"
    3. "know how to receive personal revelation"
    4. "understand the power . . . temple endowment"
    5. "know how to . . . children and families"
    6. "teach fearlessly"
  4. In small groups, ask the sisters to talk about how motherhood (conceived broadly) fosters each of these things one at a time and is fostered by each of these things.  Explain that they probably won't get through all of the items on the list.
  5. After a few minutes, come back together and ask each group to share one or two things they talked about.
Using the Activity:

The goal of this activity is 1) to promote a close reading of the prophet's words and 2) to help the sisters see how in their own lives these mandates and motherhood intersect in order to increase testimony and promote application of these principles in their lives.

Using small groups are really beneficial for this type of activity.  First, smaller groups means more participation.  And Elder Bednar has taught repeatedly that it is when we exercise our faith by participating that we are most likely to feel the Spirit.  Second, smaller groups also increase attention.  So, people hear more of what is shared in these situations.  

I hope this activity is helpful and that it makes a difference in your calling.  God bless.


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