Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Oct. 18): "Sisters' Participation in the Gathering of Israel"

This talk reminded me somewhat of Pres. Ezra Taft Benson's talks to the men and the women of Israel in the sense that the gathering of Israel is already emerging as a theme of Pres. Nelson's time as prophet and he is taking that particular message and personalizing it to various groups of members. 

I anticipate that primarily this talk will be used in Relief Societies, even though the information is valuable for anyone.  For that reason I have created an activity with sisters in mind and will write it that way.  I do believe that it would be easily transferable to men as well.  This activity makes use of something else that I have noticed about Pres. Nelson's talks since becoming prophet.  Each time he issues a challenge or an invitation there is a blessing tied very directly and closely to it.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that every class member has a piece of paper and something to write with.
  2. Review the four invitations that Pres. Nelson makes to the sisters
    1. 10 day fast from social media
    2. Read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year
    3. Establish a pattern of temple attendance
    4. Participate fully in Relief Society
  3. Return to the first invitation and read the promise associated with this invitation.  It is found in par. 22 "What do you . . . with each impression."
  4. Ask the sisters to consider this blessing and silently write their thoughts on their paper.  Those sisters who have done this should write about blessings they discovered.  Those who have yet to do so should write the blessings they imagine they will recieve.  These blessings may go well beyond those mentioned by Pres. Nelson and most certainly will be more specific as they will have come to individuals.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with each of the remaining invitations.  There blessings are as follows:
    1. Read the Book of Mormon, par. 23 "If you accept . . . increased inspiration and revelation."  OR par. 24 "You and they . . . begin to happen."
    2. Establish a pattern of temple attendance, par. 26 "More regular time . . . in His temple" OR if you live further from the temple the invitation and blessing come immediately following this sentence.
    3. Participate fully in Relief Society, par. 30 "It may guide . . . your own life."
  6. After this (or after each silent time) share as appropriate with partners or the whole class.
  7. At the end of the discussion, ask each sister to write down a goal connected to Pres. Nelson's invitations that they want to accomplish this week.
Using the Activity:

This activity is designed to do two things.  First, by reviewing the invitations, actions taken, and blessings received, this activity is designed to help the sisters notice the fruit of the seed they planted (Alma 32).  Thus, their testimonies will be strengthened and increased.  It is heartening to recognize that as we follow the prophet's counsel we receive blessings.  Second, this activity is also designed to encourage more sisters to accept these invitations.  Yes, depending on when the lesson is taught and when they begin, it may be difficult to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.  Still, the Lord will bless them for their efforts even if it is too late to finish by the end of the year.  It is okay to finish in February.  :)

This activity is also designed again to help us to remember and to imagine our lives as lived in accordance with the gospel.  These ways of thinking are both highlighted in the scriptures and both will help us come unto Christ.  

I hope that this activity will be of use to you.  There is no more important responsibility in the church than teaching the gospel.  Please let me know if this is idea proves helpful either as is or as a catalyst for a different approach.  


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