Elder D. Todd Christofferson (Oct. 18): "Firm and Steadfast in the Faith of Christ"

The Activity:

  1. Divide the class into smaller groups.
  2. Assign each group a figure from the Book of Mormon who was "firm and steadfast" in their committment to the gospel.  For each figure assigned provide a chapter or two that provideds context for how this person(s) become converted.  Some examples are provided here:
    1. Nephi                                    I Ne. 2-3
    2. Alma the Younger                 Alma 36
    3. King Lamoni & his father     Alma 18-19, 22
    4. Sons of Mosiah                      Alma 17
    5. Enos                                       Enos 1
  3. Ask the class members to work in their groups to creat a list of what this person did to become converted by skimming through the assigned chapters.  The class members can also choose to use any other scriptures to bolster their list.  Point out that none of the records probably contain a complete picture for any one person, but as we combine the lists we can get a full picture.
  4. Give the groups time to create their lists.
  5. Come back together and ask the groups to share what was listed.  As the class members share their lists, create one master list on the board.
  6. When the list is complete-- or feels that way-- point out that all of the items on the list are things that we too can do.
  7. Read the second to last para (32), "I am reminded . . . God each day"
  8. Discuss how this applies to our lives and relates to the list on the board.
  9. Challenge the class members to identify one thing they can do this next week to strengthen their testimonies.
Using the Activity:

So, this activity is a bit different in that the focus is not on the words of the apostle; rather the focus is on finding the principles he taught in the lives of others so that we can replicate them in our lives.  I really try to steer clear of these types of activities because I want to focus on the words of our leaders, but I felt impressed to go this direction this time. 

This activity is valuable for a few reasons.  First, it pushes the class members into the scriptures and to apply Elder Christofferson's words.  Second, I worry sometimes that we classify certain "rock stars" of the gospel that have reached unattainable heights, i.e. the prophets and apostles, the people from the Book of Mormon and Bible, etc.  And yes, they are amazing.  But they also started at the essentially the same place as us and we can do what they did and receive those blessings.  So, this activity stresses that fact and helps us feel more connected to them.  Finally, this activity helps the class members apply the principles in this talk.

As always, I hope this activity helps you.  Let me know how it is going. God bless.


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