Elder Ulisses Soares (Oct. 18): "One In Christ"

I am currently serving as the ward mission leader (we did not change to a member of the EQ presidency).  So, this talk has special meaning for me. 

The Activity:

  1. Identify specific sentences from the talk that give direct counsel on how we are to interact with new converts, investigators, and others who are making their way back into the fold.  Below are some examples:
    1. Para. 10 "in such moments . . . in our lives."
    2. Para. 13 "we should always . . . we may have."
    3. Para. 13 "We can do . . . and so forth."
    4. Para. 14 "While the bishop . . . through service projects."
    5. Para. 15 "We can help . . . explaining different words."
    6. Para. 15 "We can reach . . . community of Saints."
    7. And many more
  2. Write or type these sentences on individual strips of paper.
  3. Divide the class into small groups (3-4)
  4. Give each group a sentence strip and ask them to do the following:
    1. Discuss the specific need(s) that this counsel addresses
    2. Discuss what this counsel would look like in action
    3. Role play a scenario based on this slip of paper.
  5. Allow the groups time.  While they are working, roam around and offer help or encouragement where needed.
  6. Come back together and ask the groups to share what they learned.  Invite some people to come forward and model (role play) how an interaction might go.
  7. Discuss what was noticed.
  8. Challenge them to reach out in some way discussed to someone at church next week (or this one).
Using the Activity:

This activity might feel disconnected a bit from doctrine-- and certainly it is not a doctrine heavy activity.  However, many people don't do things because they aren't sure how they would do them.  In this case, they are not sure exactly what to say and are afraid that they will say the wrong thing and offend someone and/or embarrass themselves.  These are legitimate concerns.  So, taking time to practice these interactions can be very helpful for people.  Not only do they get to practice, but also they get to see other people try these same types of things out.  This can give them ideas; it can also make them feel better because they will see that others also are worried about how to do these things.

I will put in one plug.  In my calling (ward mission leader) I am amazed at how many people are inactive because they basically did not feel welcome in their ward/branch.  We can say this is a testimony issue, but I'm not sure that it really is (see the story the Elder Holland told in this conference about the man who stayed away for 20 years).   It is hard to go somewhere and sit and feel left out.  I have been there in different situations, and generally I find a reason to get out of those situations when I can.  So, if we can make our chapels and congregations more welcoming places, perhaps some of those people will feel more welcome and they won't ever leave.  So, say hi to someone new every Sunday.  Get to them and remember their names.  It sounds like small, silly things but you know what we say about small and simple things in the Church (Alma 37:6-7).  

God bless. 


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