Pres. Russell M. Ballard (Oct. 18): "The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead"

On thing I admire about Pres. Ballard is the strength he draws from his ancestors.  He regularly mentions them and shares life lessons he has learned from them.  This talk is an example of that.

The Activity:

  1. A week prior to the lesson, ask class members to read D&C 138 and mark those passages they find most inspring/comforting/enlightening.
  2. Do the same yourself.  Identify several passages that you feel will be especially appropriate for your class members.
  3. During the lesson, ask the class members to turn and share a verse or two that they marked from the section and explain what it means to them.
  4. Share that there are three statements about the vision contained in D&C 138 and what we can gain from a study of it.  Read/share the following quotes:
    1. Para. 23 "We too can . . . lives each day."
    2. Para. 31 "The vision revealed . . . of His Atonement"
    3. Para. 32 "As you do . . . for His children."
  5. Ask the class members to review these statements and think about where the verses they marked best fit (or are there other blessings that their verses exemplify, beyond those Pres. Ballard lists).
  6. In small groups, class members share the verses they marked and discuss how their scriptures best fit into Pres. Ballard's framework.
  7. If needed, you could also provide some of the groups with the verses that you identified in your study.
  8. After a few minutes, bring the class back together and discuss what was talked about in the groups.
Using the Activity:

One way for class members to exercise their faith is to prepare for class.  The act of taking time to read and ponder an assigned reading signals to the Lord that you believe that if you pay the price, He will speak to you through the Spirit.  So, by beginning this lesson with a request for the class members to do something in preparation, you are asking them to prepare to receive revelation.  This is hugely important.  

Also, I like this activity because it helps class members to see that the teachings of the apostles (in this case, Pres. Ballard) are true and by paying attention to their words, we will be blessed.  

I pray that is activity will prove helpful to you, whether that is as it is written or by inspiring you with a different idea.  Thank you and God bless you in your callings.  


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