Bro. Joseph M. Brough (Oct. 18): "Lift Up Your Head and Rejoice"

This is an interesting talk (speaking as a nerd who deals with rhetoric) because it is made up of a number of stories that build until the point is made near the end of the talk.  The message is vital and timely, however, in that we are to have joy at all times in our lives, including in the difficult times.

The Activity:

  1. Divide the class in half through assigning them or allowing them to choose.
  2. Assign one group the topic of "Forgiving others" and assign the other group "Giving ourselves to God"
  3. Ask each group to review the story from Bro. Brough's talk about their assigned topic.
    1. Forgiving others-- para. 10-16 ("Forgiving those who . . . be like them")
    2. Giving ourselves to God-- para. 18-26 ("Young people, God . . . a hard thing")
  4. Then, ask the group members to use their topical guide and review scriptures about their topics.  These scriptures might include the following:
    1. Forgiving others-- D&C 64:9-11; III Ne. 13:11; I Ne. 7:21
    2. Giving ourselves to God-- Omni 1:26; D&C 30:11; Rom. 12:1
  5. Ask each group to answer the following questions about their assigned topic.  Urge them to take time to consider deeper connections and insights.
    1. How does your assigned topic help us come unto Christ?
    2. How can working toward your assigned topic bring us joy even in the midst of hard times?
    3. What are some practical hints for accomplishing your assigned topics?
  6. After a few minutes, ask the class members to find someone from the other group and take 1 minute each to share the most important parts of what they talked about/learned.
Using the Activity:

This activity is valuable because it works towards joining the words of a general authority with the words of scripture.  The idea is to exemplify that the two are aligned.  You could provide the groups with a list of scriptures for each topic, if you felt that would be best for your group.  Still, the act of looking up scriptures is a way for class members to exercise their faith-- thus opening their hearts and minds to the influence of the Spirit.  

Also, this activity goes beyond simple discussion in groups organized around a single topic.  Instead, this lesson then asks that the class members become teachers of those in the other group.  Teaching someone is a powerful way to feel the Spirit.  Think about how many missionaries have gained their own testimonies while teaching or who have had their testimonies strengthened while teaching about something they already knew.  This activity hopes to capitalize on that possibility as the class members meet with each other.

As always I hope that this activity is of use to you.  God bless. And thank you for visiting my blog.


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