Elder Paul B. Pieper (Oct. 18): "All Must Take Upon Them the Name Given of the Father"

The Activity:

  1. Prepare 3 poster boards.  Label one "Take His Teachings and Characteristics on Us," the second "Embrace the Truthfulness," and the last "Align Oneself with His Cause."
  2. Below each title draw a vertical line dividing the rest of the poster into two halves.  On each poster, label one side "How?"  and the other side label "Blessings."
  3. Before class starts post the three posters around the room 
  4. As a class, read para. 10-12 "For example, one . . . of Latter-Day Saints"
  5. Divide the class into three groups and assign each group one of the posters, pointing out that each poster is labeled with one of the three ways Elder Pieper says we can take on ourselves the name of Christ.
  6. Ask the groups to go and stand by their assigned poster.  Provide markers for each group.
  7. Give the groups two minutes at the poster to discuss and record 1) How they can fulfill the aspect of taking upon ourselves the name of Christ that is listed on the poster (being very practical in how to fulfill that) and 2) the specific blessings from doing these things.  The key in both of these lists is that the thoughts recorded should be very specific.
  8. Have the groups rotate through the posters, two minutes at each poster.
  9. When the groups get back to their original poster, give them 2 minutes to discuss and summarize what is recorded on the poster.
  10. Ask each group to share.
  11. Have class members return to their seats and share with a partner one thing they learned.
Using the Activity:

In general, I stress the idea that we want to talk about doctrines over how to apply those doctrines (since those applications often vary from person to person); however, in this case, I feel like the practical might be useful.  Taking on ourselves the name of Christ can feel ephemeral and be hard for people to really figure out how to do it.  So, in this case, the idea is to have the group think about and share specific ways that taking on ourselves the name of Christ may look or sound.  

The same with the blessings.  Far too often in my own life, I hear someone talk about a blessing that they have in their lives only to realize that I too have received the same blessing-- I have just never thought of it as a blessing or as a blessing for obeying that particular commandment.  So, by asking class members to tie specific blessings to this commandment, we are helping them to see the fruits in their lives more thoroughly.

Of course, in terms of the logistics of this activity, you can alter them as you need or feel prompted to.  One easy change would be to get rid of the posters and simply ask smaller groups to form around their chairs and pass a piece of paper or for each group to take a single idea and discuss it for a greater length of time and then to share with the larger class.  

As always, I hope that this activity works for you or helps you to conceptualize a different activity that will help you. Please let me know how it goes.  Thank you.


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