Elder Steven R. Bangerter (Oct. 18): "Laying the Foundation of a Great Work"

What a tremendous talk (I probably say that too much about conference talks, but I mean it :) ).  I was touched by this talk and especially after re-reading I have committed myself to being more diligent and intentional in the traditions I establish with my kids.  Having said that, the activity I oultine below is not focused on what parents can do.  Instead, I felt inspired to create an activity that focused on the role of traditions in the lives of those who wander from the gospel even though they were raised in a righteous house.  I may be more sensitive to this because I have a sister who has strayed pretty far from the fold and I have seen the great pain this has caused my parents through the years and I have known others (as we all have) whose pain in this regard is tangible.  There is always the question of whether they did enough or not.  I cannot answer that question for anyone, though my gut tells me that in most cases, they did all that was asked of them.  This activity, then, is not for every situation.  Use it, as always, as directed by the Spirit.

The Activity

  1. Read the following quote from the last half of para. 16 "When parents exercise . . . of their children."
  2. Point out that there is no guarantee-- only a "greater hope."  People always have their agency and at times, kids will make poor choices despite the best efforts of their parents.  Continue on to point out that Elder Bangerter and the scriptures make clear that the righteous efforts of parents to create righteous traditions have power in two ways-- 1) kids stay faithful and 2) kids wander but traditions entice them back to the fold over time.
  3. Read the story in para. 14  "Years ago, while . . . God for it."
  4. Now, have some class members read the following verses of scripture in succession:  Enos 1:3; Alma 36:17; and Alma 56:47-48
  5. Discuss the common links in these verses-- people later in life (who had strayed to varying degress and are in tough times) remember and rely on the words and messages their parents had shared with them, more specifically words they had "oft heard"
  6. Read para. 15 "In my experience . . . of their youth."
  7. Connect this sentiment with the following quote taken from an article by Elder Bednar "A similar teaching, apparently based on the statement by the Prophet Joseph, was made by Elder Orson F. Whitney (1855–1906) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1929: 'The Prophet Joseph Smith declared—and he never taught more comforting doctrine—that the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity. Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. . . . Pray for your careless and disobedient children; hold on to them with your faith. Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God.'"
  8. Bear testimony of God's loving attention to even (or maybe especially, see the Prodigal Son [Luke 15:11-32]) those that stray.
Using the Activity:

As I mentioned before, this activity is not for every situation, but I hope that it will be of comfort and strength to those who need it.  

This activity is effective I believe because it relies on a "cloud of witnesses" (Heb. 12:1; see also Jacob 4:6).  This is related to the law of witnesses (II Cor. 13:1).  The promises that the words we speak often, our traditions, will sink into the hearts of all of our children, even if they stray is shared via the words of Elder Bangerter, three Book of Mormon scriptures, Pres. Joseph Smith (and others who repeated this promise), and just as importantly, the testimony of the teacher.  This multiplicity of people sharing their witness creates an environment in which the Spirit can bear testimony with more ease and more power.  Also, as others may share their own experiences and testimonies, this conduit to revelation grows even wider.  

I hope and pray that this activity is of use to some of you and that the Spirit bears strong testimony and speaks comfort to those who need it as you share this activity (or the resources) with those who need it.  God bless.


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