Sister Michelle D. Craig (Oct. 18): "Divine Discontent"

This is one of those talks that felt like it was just for me.  I needed this message and will be returning to it again and again, I am sure. 

The Activity:

  1. Pass out an index card to each class member and something to write with.
  2. Point out that Sis. Craig outlines 3 aspects of divine discontent and that each aspect is comprised of a decision and an action.  
  3. If needed, you can review a passage or two from each of these sections that highlight the idea of a decision and an action.  For example:
    1. Act in Faith-- para. 7 "Well, Joseph did . . . to faithful action."
    2. Follow Promptings to Do Good-- para. 19  "Peace comes in . . . of my life."
    3. Divine Discontent Leads Us to Christ-- para. 22  "Discontent becomes divine . . . back in self-pity."
  4. Ask the class members to think about some decisions and actions they could take that would fall under each of the three sections outlined above.  
  5. In small groups, ask the class members to share some of the thoughts they are having about how they could do make strides in each area.  Point out that what is being shared are gospel applications-- not doctrine or principles.  So, what is helpful for one person may not be the right thing for someone else at this moment.  As they listen to and talk with each other, they should focus on the fact that what they are hearing should reinforce the wide variety of things that could apply and could generate new ideas for their own circumstances.
  6. Now, ask the class members to sit silently for a minute or so (which will feel like an eternity for many people-- that's okay) and ponder what decision and/or action the feel prompted to take this next week to address their own divine discontent.
  7. After a moment, ask them to write down on their index card ONE way they will work towards being more Christ-like in one of these areas.  
  8. Ask them to put this index card someplace that they will see it regularly over the next week and commit them to striving for to do what is written on their card.
Using the Activity:

This activity is really designed to help the class members apply Sis. Craig's counsel.  We know that the conference messages are supposed to be our walk and talk for the next six months as members of the Church of Jesus Christ (Pres. Lee, I believe is the one who used this phrase a number of years ago, but I could be mistaken [it was before my time]).  At times, church can feel like a theoretical venue and this activity is designed to fly in the face of that sentiment.  Our lessons must be geared towards changes in behavior and testimony (they go hand in hand). 

I think it is worth noting the amount of silent time in this activity (a couple of minutes).  Our world is full of beeps, tweets, and notifications.  This noise is part of Satan's plan.  President Packer clearly taught that this noise was an effort to prevent us from hearing the still, small voice of the Spirit.  So, taking a moment to simply sit with our thoughts for some may be a new experience.  Don't let that dissuade you.  Sitting in quiet and opening ourselves up to listen for the Spirit-- and seeking for the message of that Spirit-- is a vital spiritual practice, if we are to stay strong in our testimonies, I believe.

I hope that you are finding the ideas in this blog helpful.  Please let me know how the activities work and how I could improve my blog.  Thank you and God bless.


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