Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (April 19): "Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart"

In terms of complete transparency, I need to say that I am currently over the missionary work in my ward, and I love it.  So, it should come as no surprise to anyone that this talk is a highlight for me.  Elder Uchtdorf gives us some wonderful, practical counsel about doing missionary work in this talk.  He also makes some pretty impressive promises and that is what this activity focuses on. 

The Activity:

  1. Point out that in this talk Elder Uchtdorf makes promises that are worth considering for a moment.
  2. With the class read the promises and ask the class members to listen for the one that to them stands out the most.  The promises are found in the following passages:
    1. Par. 9  "In other words . . . and socialize with."
    2. Par. 24 "The closer you  . . . ask about it."
    3. Par. 31 "The important thing . . . it will happen."
    4. Par. 45 "Follow this path . . . His precious children."
  3. Give the class a moment to consider the promises silently.
  4. Ask the class to divide into four groups (one for each each promise).  Class members should go with the group for the promise that stood out to them the most.
  5. Give each group a few minutes to discuss the promise and how we qualify for it.
  6. After a few minutes, come back together and discuss what the groups talked about.
  7. Read Elder Uchtdorf's apostolic blessing located in par. 50 "As an apostle . . . and His children."
  8. Explain that in a way this is another promise and discuss what it means with the class.
  9. Bear your testimony.
Using the Activity:

In some ways this feels like an activity at the end of class-- probably because the last part deals with the end of the talk-- however, I could easily see it being used at any point in the lesson.   My experience with lessons and talks on missionary work has been similar to what Elder Uchtdorf describes in this talk.  So, I like this activity because many of these blessings really talk about how the Lord will make missionary work easy for us as we try to do our part.  So, by focusing on these types of blessings, it reduces the pressure on us.  We can simply live the gospel and try to draw near to Him and He will create the opportunities for us to be missionaries.

I also think that this activity helps teach class members a reading strategy for their personal study.  We always get more out of a text when we read it with a purpose.  One purpose we can have as we read conference talks is to read them to find the promises in them.  So, this activity also serves to introduce people to another way of reading conference talks.

As always, I hope this activity serves you well.  God bless you in your efforts to teach with power and authority.  


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