Elder Neal L. Anderson (Apr. 19): "The Eye of Faith"

There are many ways to approach this talk, and discussing the Proclamation would certainly be appropriate.  Based on the title of this talk, though, I see the Proclamation as more of a model for how we can approach gospel questions with an eye of faith.  The activity I describe here comes from that perspective.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure everyone has access to the talk.
  2. Explain that for this activity you want to use Elder Anderson's discussion of the Proclamation as a pattern for how to handle any questions about the gospel.
  3. Break the class into small groups of about 3-4 people each.
  4. Ask the groups to scan the talk and find passages that highlight a principle of how to approach our gospel questions.
  5. After a few minutes, come back together as a class and ask people to share what they found (passage and principle).
  6. As they are mentioned, write ideas on the board and discuss them.  
Using the Activity:

This activity is valuable becuase it pushes the class members to read closely the words of a prophet.  Also, the focus on principles is important.  Gospel principles differ from gospel applications because principles are eternal and universal; how we apply the gospel is individual, although there could be overlap.  So, by focusing on the principles, class members through the Spirit can be led as to how to apply them in their lives.  

Also, this activity could be pushed a step further by asking the groups to meet again after there is a good list on the board and asking them to turn the principles on the board into a math formula for handling gospel questions.  This can be a useful activity becuase it is novel, and the novel increases motivation and retention.   Also, it is worth noting the by writing the answers on the board we are helping class members remember them easier.  

As always, I pray that the ideas I share in this blog are useful.  God bless.  


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