Bro. Mark L. Pace (Oct. '19): "Come Follow Me-- The Lord's Counterstrategy and Proactive Plan"

The Activity:

  1. Divide the class into small groups.
  2. Ask the class members to share their experiences with Come, Follow Me.  This should be both how they are implementing it (or how they are trying) and how they have been/are being blessed by it.  
  3. Have the groups read over the experiences that Bro. Pace shares of others and their experiences with Come, Follow Me, par. 17-26 "A father shared . . . of the destoyer" (bulleted list).
  4. Have the group members connect any of these comments to their own experiences.
  5. Come back together and share some of what was talked about in the groups.
Using the Activity:

Come, Follow Me has been such a blessing in my life and the lives of my family that I was excited to hear this talk.  In an activity like this, it is important to make sure that we acknowledge that those people who are seamlessly making Come, Follow Me work with no glitches are definitely the exceptions and not the rule.  Most of us are doing our best at it and that is okay.  We can all do a little better, but no one needs to feel ashamed of their efforts or success (or lack of either).  Shame doesn't help us.  We will probably feel some gentle, loving nudges from the Spirit as we need them.  That is good; shame is not.  So, help people feel comfortable with this.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope that this activity is useful for you.


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