Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Oct. '19): "Your Great Adventure"

The nerd in me loves that Elder Uchtdorf uses The Hobbit as part of his talk, although I missed the expected plane references.  😁

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk.
  2. Point out that Elder Uchtdorf gives us three broad areas of our mortal journey to consider
  3. Read them as outlined in par. 62 "But now is . . . experience with others."
  4. Divide the class into three groups and assign each group one of the three areas.
  5. Have the groups take 7-8 minutes to discuss their section of the talk.  If necessary, you could provide questions to help guide their discussions.  You could ask about how each thing is defined; what aspects of each element are highlighted; student experiences with the counsel given; or how the class members might apply this counsel.  Explain to the groups that they will be sharing what they discuss.
  6. After a few minutes, ask each group to come up with a couple of hashtages that summarize their discussion.  For example, #LoveGodbyLovingHisChildren or #Ministerlikeahobbit
  7. Ask each group to share their hashtags and write them on the board.
  8. Discuss the hashtags with the rest of the class.  Look for connections between the groups.
Using the Activity:

The objective of this activity is to have class members closely read one of the sections of the talk.  Then, by discussing it and trying to create hashtags to capture the meaning of each section, this activity is designed to help class members remember (and apply) these teachings in their lives.  Also, clever hashtags can be more memorable than regular summaries of a talk.  So, these will aid the class members in remembering the content of the talk during the week.  

I hope that this activity is useful and beneficial to you and your class.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  


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