Elder Gary E. Stevenson (Oct. '19): "Deceive Me Not"

Elder Stevenson said that this talk was aimed at the young people of the church, but this is full of powerful counsel for all of us.  I was especially struck by Elder Stevenson's counsel that following the prophet (and apostles) will help us avoid the attacks of Satan.  This activity focuses on that part of the talk.

The Activity:

  1. Prior to class, make a list of revelations/teachings from recent prophets (or you could, of course, limit yourself to Pres. Nelson's teachings).  These might include some of the following:
    1. Home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning-- Pres. Nelson
    2. Increased youth participation in temple service-- Pres. Monson
    3. Smaller temples-- Pres. Hinckley
  2. During class read par. 32 "How might you . . . and his attacks."
  3. Share some of the items from the list you made before class and ask class members how each revelation helps us to not be deceived.
  4. Ask class members other teachings from recent prophets that have blessed thier lives and helped them to avoid the deceptions of the Adversary.
Using the Activity:

Of course, depending on your class, you may have to compile a shorter or longer list of recent prophetic teachings.  Also, you may choose to ask the class for input prior to sharing your own list (other than an example or two).  In any case, this activity is designed to help the class members remember the moments that their lives have been blessed from following the prophet.  Also, as members share these experiences, they are really just bearing testimony of what Elder Stevenson teaches about following the prophet.  

I hope that this activity is useful to you.  God bless.


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