Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Oct. '19): "The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude"

This was such a great talk to begin conference.  The invitation to look for Christ in every talk, every prayer, and every song certainly set the stage for a great conference, and it previewed, for me, the most prevelant messages of this conference.

The Activity:

  1. Give everyone a piece of paper and something to write with.
  2. Read par. 13 "To grasp the . . . attention on Him."  and par. 20 "Sisters and brothers . . . true meaning lies."
  3. Point out that these two quotes share two elements:
    1. Distracting commotion
    2. Christ as the center of our lives.
  4. Ask the class members to silently consider these two elements in their own lives and the world around.  
  5. Ask the class members to make two lists on their papers.  One identifying the things (even the good things) that can keep Christ from being the center of our lives; one naming ways that we can put Christ at the center of our lives.
  6. After a few minutes, ask the class members to share their lists with a partner.
  7. Come back together and discuss some of the items the class members listed.  
Using the Activity:

This activity makes use of several key components that are highlighted in other activities I share-- time to ponder, an invitation to apply the counsel and teachings of our leaders to our own lives, and smaller groups to make sharing less threatening and to provide more people with opportunities to share. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope that you found something useful for your teaching.


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