Elder Ronald A. Rasband (Oct. '19): "Standing by Our Promises and Covenants"

The Activity:

  1. Make sure everyone has a paper and something to write with.
  2. On the board, make a T-chart.  Label the left column "Our promises" and the right side "Our deeds."
  3. Ask someone to read from par. 11 "As members of . . . in all places'".
  4. As each of the promises that we make are read, record them in the left column ("our promises")
  5. Then, ask the class members to skim over the next part of the talk and identify ways that Elder Rasband says that we keep those promises that you just recorded.
  6. Now, ask all of the class members to create their own T-charts on their pieces of paper, labeled the same as the one on the board.
  7. Read par. 24 "I invite you . . . is your bond."
  8. Ask the class members to take a moment and consider the promises they have made to God and to others (Par. 19).  Have them write these on the left side of their chart.  Then, ask them to record how they are fulfilling these promises on the right side of their chart.
  9. Have the class members ponder thier lists and identify a promise that they could do a better job of keeping in the upcoming days.  Have them circle that promise and, if appropriate, make a note about how they will keep that promise more completely.
  10. Bear your testimony of the power that comes from keeping our word-- you may choose to read the next sentence in par. 24 (after the quote in step #7 above).
Using the Activity:

This activity is really designed to help the class members (and us as teachers) to dig into the words of an apostle, Elder Rasband, and to consider how we might use them in our own lives.  A warning might be in line here.  It is possible that someone in the room, will identify an aspect of their lives to work on that they are not proud of and may feel some shame about.  Remember that shame is not part of the gospel.  So, class members should be allowed the opportunity to refrain from marking or recording their charts in any way that may embarrass them if someone else saw.  

Another way in which this activity can be powerful is that it focuses on an apostolic promise.  I am always intrigued by the promises that are made to us in general conference.  We would all do well to make a more conscious note of those and to look for opportunities to fulfill the requirements for the promises made.  

I hope that this activity helps you.  Please let me know how it goes.  Thank you.


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