Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Oct. '19): "Holiness and the Plan of Happiness"

I anticipate that this activity would be one to start the lesson and use throughout, but it could easily be adapted to go later in the lesson.

The Activity:

  1. Give each class member a piece of paper and something to write with.
  2. Ask the class members to divide their papers into four large quadrants by folding the paper in half one way and then the other (or by drawing lines).
  3. Label the quadrants do, think, feel, say.
  4. Ask the class members to take a couple of minutes and fill in the quadrants with things that a holy person does, thinks, feels, and says.
  5. Come back and discuss what is written down.  You may want to create a similar diagram on the board and write down the responses.
  6. As you read the talk, take time to identify and record additional items that Pres. Eyring points out that go in the chart as well. 
Using the Activity:

In my field this is what we would call a pre-reading strategy.  By taking time to ask the class members to consider the topic and record their own ideas before discussing the talk, we are making it easier for them to identify Pres. Eyring's points and to remember them (because they can more easily draw connections between his ideas and their own).  It is hoped, then, that this activity helps the class members to understand and apply Pres. Eyring's teaching.

You could add another part at the end, where you ask them to choose one thing to try to do more of during the next week, if it feels right.  I have several activities designed to help foster this type of goal setting on this site, but you don't need to do anything fancy.  Simply ask them to write it down or to tell a neighbor.  Either one would increase their chances of being successful.

I hope that this idea is helpful.  Please let me know how things go and if there is any way I can improve this blog.  Thank you.


  1. I'm given chance to address a topic on holiness and the plan of happinss,it's great ,holiness should be really,happiness comes too.


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