Pres. M. Russell Ballard (Oct. '19): "Giving our Spirits Control over our Bodies"

The beginning of this talk contained such a touching tribute to his late wife.  It was emotional to hear him talk about sitting with his wife and holding her hand.

The Activity:

  1. Explain the conflict that lies at the center of Pres. Ballard's talk-- the conflict between the natural person and the person of God.
  2. Read Par. 15 "Today, 'living right' . . . pretty confusing concept" and discuss what things make it confusing.
  3. After a few moments of discussion, explain that in his talk Pres. Ballard's identified some tools and ideas to help us make correct choices and that you want to spend a few moments having the class members think about these things.
  4. Divide the class into four groups
  5. Ask each group to read and discuss one of the following quotes:
    1. Par. 24-25 "And yes, we . . . a spiritual being."
    2. Par. 26 "It's also why . . . can be overcome."
    3. Par. 28 "Every night as . . . charge of me."
    4. Par. 29 "Another resource is . . .  has for us."
  6. During this time, the groups could discuss things such as how each of these tools/ideas helps us make correct choices, how we can each make better use of these tools/ideas, or how they have felt the power of these tools/ideas in their lives previously.
  7. After a few minutes, bring the class back together and ask each group to share the highlights of their discussion.
Using the Activity:

This activity is a way to help each class member exercise their faith by participating in smaller groups and by imagining how they might apply these teachings in their own lives.  Also, by sharing ideas and experiences, it is hoped that people might find more effective ways to apply these things in their own lives and that they might have their testimonies strengthened by hearing faith promoting experiences of others.

I also like that this activity asks the class members to deal directly with the words of an apostle deeply and carefully.  

As always, I hope that this activity idea helps you as you seek to magnify your calling.  God bless.


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