Bro. Steven W. Owens (Oct. '19): "Be Faithful, Not Faithless"

The Activity:

  1. Read the quote in par. 12 "Regardless of your . . . and spiritual growth."
  2. Remind class members of the story of the deer and the hay (par. 5).  You may want to read this with the class.
  3. Draw a T-chart on the board.  Label the left-side "Hay" and the right side "Strategies"
  4. Ask the class members to brainstorm some things that prevent us from taking responsibility for our spiritual growth.  As these are named record them in the left-column ("Hay").
  5. When there are several things in the left column, ask the class members what are some things they (could) do to overcome these obstacles.  As these are listed, record them in the right column ("Strategies").
Using the Strategy

This strategy works for a couple of reasons.  First, this activity will help class members see that they are already doing several things right.  Any time we feel that we are doing some things right, we are more motivated to stick to doing them.  Second, this strategy is a chance for the class members to liken these teachings unto themselves.  Ultimately, we must apply the teaching of conference, if we are to spiritually survive.  

As always, I pray that these ideas are useful to you.  God bless.


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