Elder Terence M. Vinson (Oct. '19): "True Disciples of the Savior"

Let's all be fair dinkum

The Activity:

  1. Make sure everyone has access to a copy of the talk.
  2. Give everyone a highlighter or colored pencil (only for those who are using paper copies of the talk.  The Gospel Library has a highlight function).
  3. Ask the class members to find three quotes from the talk:
    1. One for themselves at an earlier time in their lives (last week, a year ago, when they were eight, etc.).
    2. One for themselves at their current stage of life.
    3. One for their future selves (a quote they think will be particularly useful moving forward).
  4. Share a quote or two with a partner.
  5. Come back together.  Ask some class members to share a quote or two.  Discuss the quotes that are shared.
Using the Activity:

This activity is designed, first and foremost, to help the class members read closely the words of a leader and to consider how those quotes apply in their lives.  Second, though, this activity should also help the class members see (remember) that the words of our leaders have application throughout their lives.  In this aspect, I must give credit to my son who has made me think about this more in the last few weeks.  He graduates from high school next spring and is preparing to serve a mission after that.  As part of his preparation, he is listening to all of the conference talks given since his birth.  He has really enjoyed it and I think that it is a wonderful way to show Father that we really do treasure his words, given through his chosen leaders.  So, after hearing him speak about this (I do not know where he got the idea.  Seminary?), I wanted to design an activity that took a talk as a guide through the course of one's life.  

I hope that this activity is useful and especially helpful for you as you magnify your calling.  Of course, listen to the Spirit as you plan, but please let me know how it goes, if you use the activity or let me know how you altered it, if you felt so inspired.  Thanks.  


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