Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Apr. '20): "Hear Him"

Maintaining this blog at this time might be one of the most optimistic things I have done in recent memory :), although I am sure we will eventually be meeting together again for church.  I just have no idea when that will be.  Still, I want to continue this blog even in these times as an expression of hope.  In the meantime, I have begun a separate blog that focuses on sharing ideas to explore the messages of general conference in our homes.  That blog can be found here

The topic of this talk was one of the overriding themes of this conference and it would be possible (and probably beneficial) to consider bringing in some other quotes from other talks during a lesson on this talk.  This activity does not do that, however.

The Activity:

  1. Create a handout with the following questions on it and room after each one to record answers:
    1. Where can we intentionally hear God's voice?
    2. What can we do to have more time to hear Him?
    3. What blessings have come to you as you have tried to hear Him?
    4. What blessings could you receive by being more intentional about hearing him?
    5. How can you hear, hearken, and heed more fully?
  2. Divide the class into small groups (3-4 people each)
  3. Ask the class members to work with their groups to answer as completely as possible the questions.
  4. Give them time to fill out the sheet.
  5. Come back together as a class and discuss the answers to these questions
  6. (At the end of class-- or whenever seems appropriate) Ask the class members to make a note in their phones of one thing they can do this week to hear Him more?
Using the Activity:

Of course, you could adapt this activity a number of ways depending on the needs of your class.  You could, for example, ask class members to answer these questions individually or as a whole class; you could ask groups to spend time simply discussing a single question.  Make it work for you.

One reason this is an effective lesson to help class members feel the Spirit (to help them hear Him) is because it increases the opportunities for class members to exercise their faith by participating.  Also, whenever we ask our class members to make specific plans to implement the principles and practices of the gospel into their lives in ways that make sense for them, we are helping them to obey and grow closer to our Father.

I hope that this idea helps you in your efforts to help teach with power and authority.  God bless.


  1. Please continue! Your efforts are so appreciated by so many!


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