Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Apr. '20): "A Perfect Brightness of Hope"

Maintaining this blog at this time might be one of the most optimistic things I have done in recent memory :), although I am sure we will eventually be meeting together again for church.  I just have no idea when that will be.  Still, I want to continue this blog even in these times as an expression of hope.  In the meantime, I have begun a separate blog that focuses on sharing ideas to explore the messages of general conference in our homes.  That blog can be found here

I think we all love to hear Elder Holland speak.  He combines the intensity and animation of a high school football coach with the meekness and humility of a saint to bear strong testimony of the Lord in no uncertain terms.  This talk certainly fits that mold.  Additionally, it seems to a talk that has special importance at this time in history.

Update:  I hope that we are all praying for Elder Holland's speedy recovery.

The Activity:
  1. On the board, draw a horizontal line across the top and about 2/3 of the way across the page draw a vertical line.  Label the area to the left of the vertical line "past" and the area to the right "future"
  2. Read par. 15 ("I testify that . . . grace and benevolence").
  3. Take a few moments to list and talk about times in the past when God's hand has been evident (these should include both large miracles and smaller, quieter miracles).  Write some of them on the board in the appropriate sectgion.
  4. Now, take a few moments and list some blessings that you hope to receive in the future (or miracles that you hope to see).  Record some of these on the board in the appropriate section.  
  5. Discuss how remembering the items in #3 can help us be more faithful as we wait for the items in #4.
  6. Read par. 8 ("Because the Restoration . . . most insurmountable odds).
  7. Ask the class members to discuss with a partner what are some ways that they can more conscientiously remember what the Lord has done for them.  
  8. Come back together and share some of these ideas with the whole class.
Using the Activity:

This activity is designed to help us really consider the principles in this talk in a very concrete, practical way.  I love to dig into the doctrines of the gospel but sometimes I run the risk of over theorizing about the gospel and under applying it.  Hopefully, this activity will help to restore some balance.  :)

I hope that this activity is useful and helps your class members.


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