Elder Quentin L. Cook (Apr. '20): "The Blessings of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives"

Maintaining this blog at this time might be one of the most optimistic things I have done in recent memory :), although I am sure we will eventually be meeting together again for church.  I just have no idea when that will be.  Still, I want to continue this blog even in these times as an expression of hope.  In the meantime, I have begun a separate blog that focuses on sharing ideas to explore the messages of general conference in our homes.  That blog can be found here

For me Elder Cook's talk took on much greater meaning as I have returned to it and studied it more closely.  I feel like this is a talk that bears repeated study.  At the same time, I feel like much of what I learned as I read it had to do with what I was taught through the Spirit as I re-read it (which is probably true for all of the talks-- it just stood out to me much more here).  For that reason, this activity provides quite a bit of room for insights from those in the class.

The Activity:
  1. Introduce the idea that revelation to the Church through the prophet gives us a pattern for how revelation is to work in our own lives and families.
  2. Read par. 14-15 ("When important changes . . . of the Lord").
  3. Ask the class members to brainstorm a list of the processes of revelation to the Prophet and Apostles that are highlighted in this passage.
  4. As a class, discuss how those processes are (or should be) represented in our families/personal lives.
  5. Give the class members a couple of moments to think about a way in which they could alter their practices to better increase the flow of revelation in their families.
Using the Activity:

This activity is highlighted by the moment of asking the class members to apply these lessons to their own lives.  Also, it should be noted that I would expect that each class member would draw different lessons from this list-- not only are we all individuals with our own separate experiences, but we are also all at different points in our spiritual growth.  The Spirit will give us what we need to do next and not necessarily what we will need to focus on in a year.  

I hope this activity is a useful addition to your planning and teaching.


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