Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Apr. '21): "Not as the World Giveth"

 For me this talk combines several of the themes from this conference-- peace, trials, and hope, to name a few.  In this activity, I am trying to accomplish two things.  First, I want class members to dig into the words of Elder Holland closely.  Second, I want to draw a line between what the world often tells us and what the gospel of Christ teaches us.  

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk (digitally or physically).
  2. Down the center of the board, write the word 'PEACE'
  3. Ask the class members to identify some things that keep peace out of our lives, e.g. social turmoil, rumors, or sin
  4. As items for this list are brought up, acknowledge that they are difficult and serious things that can be very powerful forces in our lives/the world.
  5. After a few minutes, ask the class members to skim over Elder Holland's talk and identify ways that we can increase peace in our hearts, our homes, and our communities.
  6. As these things are brought up, discuss each one.  For example, you might talk about how many of the items run counter to the world's wisdom, why each one is difficult to put into practice, or how each one can help increase our faith.

Using the Activity:

As I read over Elder Holland's talk, I was struck by the chasm between some of the insights in the talk and what the world would say is the route to finding peace.  For example, the emphasis on meekness, gentleness, and kindness (and other D&C 121 traits) stood out to me.  It is interesting, isn't it, that so seldom do these traits seem to be worthwhile in the world's eyes beyond superficial plaudits, while their opposites are viewed as keys to being 'adults' and 'taking care of ourselves.'  I understand that there are lines that can be crossed with almost any trait (and certainly the ones Elder Holland addresses), but I am struck that rarely are we counseled to be less of any of those things.  

In any case, this activity is designed to highlight the ways in which the gospel of Jesus Christ can offer us peace in spite of all of the worldly forces working to the opposite end, and it attempts to do this visually by putting those two lists in contrast on the board.  

As always, I pray that this activity will be helpful to you.  Please let me know how it goes.  Thank you for coming to my site.


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