Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Apr. '21): "Bless in His Name"

 For me, the quote that begins this activity sums up the talk perfectly.  There are two parts to the counsel this quote gives-- prayer and love.  I chose to focus on the latter for this activity.

The Activity:

  1. Read par. 10 "I prayed that . . . in His name."
  2. Ask the class members to ponder silently what it means to serve so that those we serve will feel Heavenly Father's love for them through our service.
  3. After a moment, ask class members to now share some examples when they have witnessed or participated in such acts of service/love.
  4. As the class members share, make a list of these incidents on the board.
  5. After the list has 4 or 5 items, ask the class members what patterns they see among those acts of service that made them fit the lofty standard of Pres. Eyring's quote.
  6. As those characteristics of Christ-like love and service are identified, write them on the board.  Some possible answers might include the following:
    • Required sacrifice of time/energy
    • Were out of the ordinary
    • Meant ignoring our own judgment to follow Father's will

Using the Activity:

I would see this activity followed by a moment of asking the class members to identify some way in which they can serve in this way.  Suggest they think about those items on the last list you made and how they can incorporate those ideals in their own service.  

In my mind, the key aspect of this activity is that the class members are being asked to ponder-- in different ways-- a single gospel principle, Christ-like love and service.  Pondering is not always silent and individual.  It can be reverently noisy and communal.  By asking them to ponder silently, share/listen to some examples, and then wrestle with identifying common features class members are being asked to ponder for a relatively long time.  It is a true gospel principle that pondering precedes revelation.  One way for us to hear Him better is to ponder more diligently.  

Please let me know how this activity works, if you choose to use it or any other way in which I can improve what I am offering here.  God bless.  

I hope that this activity 


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