Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Apr. '21): "Christ is Risen: Faith in Him Will Move Mountains"

 To me, this talk embodied much of what prophets do.  It redirected us to focus on something so simple that many of us probably feel like we have moved on from this.  However, what Pres. Nelson shared pushed our understanding (or at least my understanding) deeper.  I am so grateful for the powerful truths shared in this talk about the most simple of subjects.

The Activity:

  1. Divide the board into 3 sections and label them as follows:  Warnings/Instructions/Promises
  2. Divide the class into a few smaller groups based on the number of class members you have.  Each group should be about 5-7 people (although there is nothing specific about that number for this activity)
  3. Assign each group a section of the talk.  For example, you might divide the class into 3 groups and assign each group one of these sections-- Par. 1-15; Par. 16-23; & Par. 24-33.
  4. In their groups the class members should read their assigned portion of the talk and try to identify the Warnings, Instructions, and Promises that Pres. Nelson shares.
  5. As they find instances of each, the group members should spend a couple of moments discussing what they have found.
  6. After an appropriate amount of time (whatever feels best to you as the teacher), bring the class back together and ask the groups to share some of what they found.
  7. As they share, record each finding in the appropriate place on the board.

Using the Activity:

There are many ways to think of what a prophet does, but one way that I think of it is that a prophet warns us of dangers, instructs us on how to face those dangers, and then makes promises to us about what will happen as we follow those instructions.  This activity is based on that idea.  

By dividing the class into relatively small groups, you are increasing the chance that each person speaks without feeling overwhelmed.  Elder Bednar has taught that as a person participates in some way in class, they are exercising their faith, and as they exercise their faith, the Holy Ghost will testify to and teach them.  That is what we are ultimately after.  So, by creating an opportunity for the class members to more fully engage with the prophet's words specifically, it is hoped that their testimonies of the prophet are strengthened.  Plus, they will feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit as to how and why to apply these teachings in their lives.

As always, I hope you find this activity useful.  Please let me know how it is going.  Thank you and God bless.


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