Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Apr. '21): "What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget"

 We all know 2020 was quite the year (and 2021-- at least for the first quarter-- is similar), but this talk by Pres. Nelson helped to put everything in perspective.  

The Activity:

  1. Divide the board (or the zoom screen) in half.  Label the left half "Past" and the right half "Future."
  2. As you discuss each of the four things that President Nelson spoke about, ask the class members how they have seen these things in their own lives during the pandemic.  Record these observations on the left half of the board.
  3. For each section, ask the class members some things they could do to strengthen (or continue to appreciate) their experiences in each of these areas.  Record these insights on the right half of the board.

Using the Activity:

This activity is designed to help the class members do two things, 1) Reflect/Recognize how the prophets words have already been manifest in their lives, and 2) Readjust/Recommit to their efforts to follow the prophets.  This latter part is similar to applying what the prophet has said.  If we have not fully realized these blessings that he spoke of, can we in some way make them a more integral part of our lives.  

This is an activity that could also be done in four groups by assigning each group one of the four areas.  Or groups could simply complete the activity for all four sections and then come back together to talk about what they discovered in their groups.  This way is a great way to improve participation rates for larger classes or classes with shy class members.  

One note:  Those who have sent kind words in the past, thank you.  I know that I dropped the ball in the fall (no rhyme intended), but I am back and will get the entirety of this conference up soon.  God bless you for your efforts to study and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.    


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