Elder Dale G. Renlund (Apr. '21): "Infuriating Unfairness"

 I feel like one of the defining characteristics of Elder Renlund is his compassion.  I suppose that is probably true of each of the apostles (and others), but in his case, Elder Renlund's compassion always seems to be on full display.  This talk is no exception in my book.

The Activity:

  1. Explain to the class that Elder Renlund gave us at least three things we were to do when faced with "infuriating unfairness" and that in this activity the class members will be exploring these pieces of advice.
  2. Divide the class into three groups.
  3. Assign each groups one of the following passages:
    1. Par. 14 "In unfair situations . . . for our benefit" (trust in God)
    2. Par. 15 "We can try . . .  to do so) (develop greater faith)
    3. Par. 16 "As we develop . . . sphere of influence" (become like Christ)
  4. Ask each group to read their assigned passages, identify exactly what is counseled in that passage (they may word this differently that I did above), and discuss how each action would helps us deal with "infuriating unfairness."
  5. After a few minutes, come back together as a whole class and ask the groups to share what they talked about.

Using the Activity

Revelation comes as we spend longer periods of time with a topic or point.  So, this activity is designed to provide class members with more time to devote to one more focused part of Elder Renlund's talk in the hopes that this extended time and attention will increase the opportunities for receiving revelation.  Also, by working together in groups, it can cause class members to see things in ways that they had never considered before-- another factor which can open the doors to revelation.  

As always, thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you enjoy these ideas.  


  1. Thank you for this highlights! As members, we need to do these things and trust in God.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them. I hope they were helpful.


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