Elder Gerrit W. Gong (Apr. '21): "Room in the Inn"

 What an awesome talk this was.  By far, this is my favorite talk that I have heard from Elder Gong.  In terms of a lesson activity, there is a list of things in this talk that could easily be covered in small groups or some similar way.  However, for this activity I am going in a different direction.  I imagine that this activity would take place most likely at the start of class, although you may find it works for you better at another point in the lesson.

The Activity:

  1. Read par. 13:  "However, with compassion . . . majesty and glory."
  2. Ask the class members for words that describe Christ's treatment of or attitude towards us as He ministers to us.
  3. As the class members identify a word, write it on the board and discuss how this is manifest.
  4. After you have a good list on the board, read par. 14:  "In this Easter . . . each of us."
  5. Now, return to your list of words that you wrote on the board in step #3 and discuss how each of those words should also apply to our treatment of and attitude towards others.  Ask for specific ways each word would look or sound in our interactions with others.

Using the Activity:

I believe that we say we should be Christ-like more than we actually think about exactly what that means (especially in concrete terms of interacting with our neighbors, the person who cuts us off in traffic, the referee at our kid's game we are sure is completely blind, etc).  I believe this activity is a way to bring that idea to the forefront of our thinking.  

Thank you for coming to my blog.  Please let me know how you class goes.  


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