Elder Ronald A. Rasband (Apr. '21): "Behold! I Am a God of Miracles"

 I was struck as I read this talk by the fact that we may miss many of the miracles in our lives because we don't have eyes to see.  I was reminded of a couple of previous conference talks that may be useful in considering this principles.  Pres. Eyring spoke about keeping a daily journal to keep track of God's hand in the lives of his family.  More recently, Elder Bednar spoke about the small but significant blessings of paying an honest tithe.  Both of these talks helped me to understand this talk by Elder Rasband more deeply.  Plus, in the mouth of two or three witnesses will truth be established.  So, we should probably pay attention.  

The Activity:

  1. Make sure everyone has something to write with and on (could be digital device).
  2. Read par. 13 "Many of you  . .  . may get gain."
  3. Discuss with class members what are some things that may cause us to overlook the miracles in our lives.
  4. After a few minutes, read par. 12 "Miracles, signs, and . . . and in mine."
  5. Point out that an apostle just told us that miracles ABOUND in our lives.
  6. Ask class members to think of moments that they have experienced miracles in their lives.  Allow a few moments of silent contemplation.
  7. Ask class members to make a list of the moments that they identified in step 6.
  8. Potentially, this could be part of the list making, but feel free to skip as prompted by the Spirit.
    1. Read a few portions of Elder Rasband's talk where he talks about different types of miracles, e.g. par. 30-31 "Miracles can come . . . shall be healed." or par. 33 "The Lord has . . . responding with peace."
    2. Discuss each one of these types of miracles and encourage class members to add any new experiences that come to mind during these discussions.
  9. After a bit, ask the class members to choose one event from this list and to spend a couple of moments remembering it as much as possible-- where they were, who they were with, what did they feel, did they recognize what was happening, etc.
  10. Give the class members a few moments to write down the event or challenge them to share it with someone or record it in their journal later.  

Using the Activity:

The power in this activity is two-fold.  First, we are repeatedly told the importance of remembering in the scriptures.  So, part of the power of this activity is simply the emphasis on remembering-- in some detail-- a miraculous experience from our lives.  Second, while we do not want to share our most sacred experiences without regard, there is an important aspect to many such experiences as models for others especially those closest to us.  So, that they can see the hand of the Lord in their lives by seeing how He works in the lives of others (this is a purpose of the scriptures as well).  So, the idea of recording an experience in their journals or sharing it with someone else is designed to increase the power of remembering the experience only.

I hope that this activity is helpful.  God bless.  


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