Elder S. Gifford Nielsen

 As someone who still thinks of themselves as somewhere between 17 and 22 years old, this talk really spoke to me.  It helped me to catch the vision of what is possible with this work-- especially coupled with Bro. Corbett's talk that came immediately before it.  

The Activity:

  1. At the top of the board, write "Us        +   The Lord           =   Mighty works and miracles" with space between the three elements.
  2. Explain that the equation on the board is what this talk is all about.
  3. Read par. 8 "When we hear . . . in their time."
  4. Discuss what we learn from this passage.  What must we do to fulfill our part of God's plan.  As class members share ideas, discuss them and write them under the word "Us"
  5. After a few moments, read par. 20 "When winds blow . . . choice is yours."
  6. Discuss what we learn from this passage.  How does the Lord join us in our efforts.  As class members share ideas, discuss them and write them down under the phrase "The Lord."  
  7. It is possible that based on this passage, some class members will want to add to the first list.  If that happens, simply add to the list and talk about those ideas.
  8. When it feels appropriate, read par. 5 "Listen to what . . . majesty and glory.'"
  9. Again, talk about what we learn from this passage and write it down under the last heading as you talk about what is shared.

Using the Activity:

The equation is for the math people among us.  :)  The rest of the activity is designed to help the class members apply the specific counsel to themselves by imagining how it might look in their lives.  Also, the idea is to pay close attention to the exact words of a general authority.  

I pray that this idea will prove helpful to you.  Please let me know how it goes.


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