Elder Jose A. Teixeira (Apr. '21): "Remember Your Way Back Home"

 I am always struck by talks that encourage us to remember.  It seems like at the root of many of today's problems in the world is that we fail to remember God-- who He is and what He did/does for us.  In this talk, Elder Teixeira helps us to remember specific things which will help us on our way back home.  

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that everyone in the class has access to a copy of the talk either physically or digitially.
  2. Divide the class into four groups.
  3. Assign each group one of the reminders from Elder Teixeira's talk:
    1. Remember That We Are Children of God
    2. Remember the Foundation That Protects Us
    3. Remember to be Prayerful
    4. Remember to Serve Others
  4. Ask each group to read through their assigned section and look for the following things:
    1. How to's (counsel on putting this principle into action)
    2. Why for's (promises associated with this principle)
    3. What then's (connections to our pathway home)
  5. After a few minutes for the groups to meet and talk, come back together as a class and discuss what each group found.

Using the Activity:

If you have visited my blog before, you know that I do lot of smaller group type of things.  This is to make it easier for more people to participate.  However, I have also been in smaller wards/branches where four groups would not work at all.  Or you may not be as comfortable having small groups in your class.  So, there is another way to structure this activity that would be possible (I'm sure there are many other ways, but this is the other way that jumps to my mind).

Draw a chart on the board that has five rows and four columns.  In the rows write down the four reminders that Elder Teixeira shares (step #3) and in the columns list the items to look for (step #4).  Then, ask the class members to look for the passages that help them fill in the blanks.  As someone shares something, discuss it and record it in the appropriate box. 

As always, I pray that this idea is helpful.  God bless you in your efforts to serve.


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