Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Oct. '21): "Daily Restoration"

 This talk pairs very nicely with Pres. Nelson's concluding talk from conference.  Both focus us on the basic things we need to do to strengthen our relationship with our Father in Heaven.  

The Activity:

  1. Prior to the lesson, collect items or pictures that represent some of the landmarks that Elder Uchtdorf talks about, e.g. a set of scriptures, a sacrament cup, a picture of the prophet, etc.
  2. Place these items somewhere visible to the class members such as a table at the front of the class.
  3. Read par. 20-22 "But all is . . . to do better."
  4. Explain that the items represent some of these landmarks the Lord has provided.
  5. Discuss the items you have chosen.  For each one (or as many as you choose to discuss) talk about what it represents and ask the class members to discuss:
    1. How that thing acts as a landmark helping us to walk in a straight line back towards our Heavenly home?
    2. What are some things that can prevent us from "seeing" this landmark?
    3. What specific actions can we take to make sure that we do not lose sight of this landmark.
  6. You may also want to ask class members for other things, which serve as landmarks for them and discuss these things as well.

Using the Activity:

So, if we stereotype for a moment, the sisters in Relief Society often have visuals like this, while the brothers seem to avoid this type of lesson.  However, there is a great deal of value in having visual elements in our lessons.  Providing visual cues of important concepts helps to make those ideas more permanent in our hearts and minds.  Also, it is important to find out what else helps the class members to walk the straight and narrow.  We need to remember that we are teaching people who are wise and smart; in many cases, they have valuable experiences and practices of their own to share.  Asking them to do so is another way we open our classes for increased participation, which leads to increased revelation for those in the room.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Please let me know how I can be of more service.  


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