Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Oct. '21): "The Faith to Ask and Then to Act"

 One of the things that I especially enjoy about Pres. Eyring's talks is that they contain solid doctrine AND some very practical moments where he provides examples of how to apply that doctrine.  This talk is no exception, and given the emphasis in recent years on personal revelation, this talk bears our careful attention.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that everyone has a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Ask the class members what practices or ideas have helped them to better receive personal revelation in their own lives.
  3. Discuss the answers and make a list on one side of the board.  Go until you have at least 4 or 5 things.
  4. Explain that Pres. Eyring has shared a number of practices and ideas about revelation in his talk that are designed to help improve our access to revelation (some of them are probably already on the board).
  5. Ask the class members to look through the talk with a partner and mark specific points of counsel they find.
  6. After a few minutes, ask the class members to come back together and share what they found in their small groups.  
  7. As class members share, write their responses on the other side of the board.  Make special mention of any ideas that were already listed on the board and were found again in Pres. Eyring's talk.

Using the Activity:

We are told in the scriptures that Father will provide at least two witnesses for truth.  There may very well be items on the board where a class member added their witness to what an apostle of the Lord taught.  This is a powerful truth and speaks to the way in which God loves, values, and talks to us.  

A possible extension of this activity would be to ask each person in the room to identify one thing they can do to improve their access to revelation (either listed on the board or something that came to them through the Spirit), write it down somewhere, and commit to do it this upcoming week.

I hope that this activity is useful as is or as a catalyst for greater inspiration.  Please let me know how it goes.  Thank you.


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