Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Oct. '21): "The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation"

 There is so much in this talk I could have focused on-- so many teachings and lines that I love.  I was touched as our prophet singled out specific groups of us for directed counsel and promises.  Indeed, it is good to be led by a prophet.

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that every class member has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Read paragraph 10, first line "The temple lies . . . and spiritual fortitude."
  3. Explain that throughout the talk Pres. Nelson identifies many of the blessings of temple worship that explain why that quote is true.
  4. Ask the class members to take 3 minutes and skim over the talk and identify some of the promises included in it.
  5. At the end of three minutes, ask the class members to form small groups of 3-4 people and to discuss what they found.
  6. Give these groups about 3 more minutes to talk (more or less depending on the engagement of the class members).
  7. Bring the groups back together and ask them to share the promises that they talked about.
  8. As promises are shared, list them on the board and talk about them.  

Using the Activity:

Despite our best efforts, many of us get busy and forget to read the talk in the days immediately prior to the lesson.  So, one way in which this activity is valuable is that it gives the class members time to review the talk and refresh it in their minds.  There is not time to read the whole talk, of course, but there is time to take in some of the message.  Plus, having a purpose when they go back to the talk will help the class members to be able to take something from their reading.  Then, asking them to share first in small groups makes it easier for more people to participate.  When we participate, we are exercising faith, and when we exercise our faith, we make it easier to hear His voice.  

As always, I hope that this activity proves useful for you in your efforts.  May God bless you.  


  1. I really appreciate your thoughtful ideas and approach. I found this very helpful! I believe your closing statement is truth: "When we participate, we are exercising faith, and when we exercise our faith, we make it easier to hear His voice."


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