Elder Alvin F. Merrill, III (Oct. '21): "Look Down the Road"

This was a powerful talk full of great phrases (and a rather scary experience that many of us who have taught kids to drive can relate to in some degree:) ).  In any case, the abundance of phrases spurred the idea for this activity.

The Activity:

  1. Ask the class members what stood out to them from the talk.
  2. Briefly talk about the ideas shared.
  3. Point out that there are a number of places where the phrases Elder Merrill uses succinctly encapsulate gospel principles in a catchy way.
  4. Ask the class members to skim over the talk in small groups to identify a phrase or sentence that would make a great bumper sticker (or something similar) in today's world.
  5. Give the groups a few minutes.
  6. Come back together and ask the groups to share what they decided on.
  7. As groups share, discuss the phrase and why it would be so applicable to today's world.

Using the Activity:

The main focus of this lesson is to help the class members share their own thoughts on the talk.  By beginning with what they thought of the talk at the very beginning, this activity is designed to help reinforce the idea of home-centered, church-supported gospel study.  Then by following up with an activity that encourages the class members to express their own opinions on the principles in the talk this activity doubles down on the idea that their voices matter.  When our class members pose their own thoughts, questions, and opinions on a subject they are exercising faith that an answer will come.  By exercising faith, they are increasing the likelihood that they will hear Him  in the class.

In terms of variations, of course, you could do this individually or in pairs instead of small groups.  Also, if the idea of bumper stickers doesn't work for your class/culture.  No problem.  Think in terms of other ways messages are conveyed that encourage using only a few words, e.g. social media posts, memes, t-shirt designs, etc.

As always, thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you have found it useful.


  1. THANK YOU for doing this!!! Need all the help I can get with lessons!

    1. You are welcome. I'm glad this was helpful. Thanks for visiting my site.


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