Elder Brent H. Nielson (Oct. '21): "Is There No Balm in Gilead?"

This was such an emotional talk, but the truths taught in this talk are so powerful and so urgently needed that I am grateful Elder Nielson let us into his struggles and consequent revelation.  My son teaches seminary and he shared with me and my wife today that he had a student raise a question the student had about the Church.  My son gave his best answer but then shared that he also has questions about the Church that he does not know the answer to, but that he has remained faithful and is worthy of the blessings of the Atonement as much as any other member.  He said that the effect in the room was electric.  His students needed to hear that; they needed to know that questions are okay and that having a question (or many) does not make you unworthy, but with time and patience, you will receive comfort and consolation-- much as Elder Nielson did in this story.

The Activity:

  1. Read about the illness of Elder Nielson's father, par. 1-5 "Shortly after my . . . did pass away."
  2. Discuss how Elder Nielson and his family must have felt at this moment.
  3. Now, read what Elder Nielson learned, par. 14 "But here is . . . and continues today."
  4. Discuss what allowed Elder Nielson to recognize/learn these things.
  5. Ask the class members to consider for a moment how they could use the principles discussed in this activity and in this talk to comfort themselves or someone else during difficult times.
  6. After a moment, ask them to talk it over with a partner.
  7. Come back together and ask some class members to share what they talked about with their partner.

Using the Activity:

I don't know if I have ever taught in a class where I was the most spiritually advanced person in the room.  Often times, I feel like I am teaching gospel principles to people who are doing a much better job of living the exact principles we are talking about.  Also, I know that sometimes I feel like I have heard a gospel principle enough to know how to apply it in my life already.  So, sometimes I like to ask people to consider how they could share the gospel principles from the lessons with others who may be in need of those principles.  It feels like it reaches some people who may otherwise not get as much from the lesson.  Hence, step. 5-7.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope it was useful to you.


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