Elder Craig G. Revillo, Jr. (Oct. '21): "Miracles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ"

 As someone who both professionally and nerdilly looks at and thinks about words, I was struck by a point that I believe Elder Revillo was getting at-- that miracles are all around us, but they don't always (or even usually) look like we think miracles do.  This idea is an important one for all of us to remember.

The Activity:

  1. Point out the title of this talk, especially the word 'miracles.' What do we think of when we think of miracles?
  2. Discuss this question for a moment.  Most likely, the ideas put forth are not the same type of miracles that Elder Revillo is focused on.
  3. Read par. 1 "Mabuhay!  I bring . . . of the sea."
  4. Discuss the miracles that Elder Revillo focuses on in this paragraph.
  5. Then, mention that Elder Revillo goes on to explain how those miracles came to be.
  6. Read "As we live . . . happy, abundant life."
  7. Discuss the small, often overlooked miracles that come from our obedience and surround us each day.

Using the Activity:

I feel like this activity is more directed than what I normally share on this blog, but I was really struck by this definition of miracles.  At least for myself, I needed this reminder (and will continue to need it).  Maybe I am different in this regard than most people, but I suspect not.  

I pray that this activity will be useful to you.  May God bless you in your efforts to teach with power and authority.


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