Elder Patricio M. Giuffra (Oct. '21): "A Faithful Search Rewarded"

 Conversion stories such as the one shared here by Elder Giuffra are always inspirational and I think instructional to us on many levels.  The activity I have designed here looks at this story as an example of faith when it is acted on.

The Activity:

  1. On the board, list the following names:
    1. Elder Giuffra
    2. Elder Giuffra's mom
    3. Sis. Leonor Lopez
    4. The missionaries
  2. Read, watch, or listen to the story of Elder Giuffra's conversion.  Since this is really most of the talk, I would narrow down the part that you share.  For example, perhaps limit the reading to par. 3-14 "Much like another . . . Son. Hear Him."
  3. Explain that this is a story of faith in action.
  4. Discuss with the class members how each of the people listed on the board exercised faith during this story (perhaps more than one way).  As ideas are mentioned, write them on the board.
  5. After this discussion, as the class members to consider one person from the story whose faith they could emulate in their own lives.
  6. Ask them to record somewhere (phone, paper, etc.) what they could do to exercise greater faith as this person did.

Using the Activity:

I love to learn from people.  Biographies are a favorite read of mine.  So, this activity is right up my personal alley.  Hopefully, it works well for you  in your teaching as well.

This lesson is valuable because it focuses on each individual class member individualizing this story to their own lives.  Thinking about this and recording their own insights is an act of faith in and of itself.  Doing so, then, will lead to increased opportunities to feel the Spirit.

God bless.


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