Elder David A. Bednar (Apr. '22): "But We Heeded Them Not"

In every conference there are a couple of talks that just seem to be fertile soil-- regardless of the amount of time I spend with them there is always more to get out of them.   This feels like one of those talks.  So, I could focus on any number of things profitably, but I chose to focus on one of the things that seems to be at the heart of this message-- personal conversion.  

The Activity:

  1. Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.
  2. Explain that during the lesson today, you believe that each one of them will receive some inspiration from the Spirit as to how to apply what you are going to talk about in this activity.  Ask them to make note of it.
  3. Explain to the class members that you are going to read a series of quotes from the talk.  Their job is to listen and identify the word(s) that all of these quotes have in common.
  4. Read the following quotes (the common word we are looking for is 'personal'):
    1. Par. 8 "Living and loving . . . and spiritually powerful."
    2. Par. 12 "And second, their . . . general and abstract."
    3. Par. 25 "Let me suggest . . . and His Father."
  5. After someone has identified the word (personal), discuss with the class these questions in relation to the idea of personal conversion:
    1. What is the difference between a personal conviction/conversion and a general testimony?
    2. How do we develop a personal conversion?
    3. How do we maintain a personal conversion?
  6. Challenge the class members to identify one thing they can do to (better) develop or maintain a personal relationship with Father-- as you asked them to note in step 2.  Ask them to write it down and put it somewhere they will see and remember it.

Using the Activity:

First, I think it is vital for us to express our belief that revelation and inspiration will happen during our lessons.  Remember, conversion through the Spirit is not only our goal for each class, but also it is Father's goal.  So, we can have confidence that if we are inviting class members to do those things that will bring the Spirit, they will receive revelation.  In this case, the revelation will most likely come as the class discusses the questions in step 5 (or some other similar questions) as is outlined in the Doctrine and Covenants.  By asking the class members to write down their impressions, we are helping them to demonstrate to God that they value what He says to them, which, in turn, prepares them to receive even more from Father.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.  I pray that this will be helpful.  God bless.  


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