Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Apr. '22): "Fear Not: Believe Only!"

 Listening to this, the last part of this talk stood out to me, the part about suicide.  This is probably because of the work I do.  As I returned to study this talk, though, I was surprised by how much more was here.  I pray that the activity below captures some part of Elder Holland's overall message.

The Activity:

  • Make sure that everyone has access to a copy of the talk either digitally or physically.  Also, make sure that everyone has something to write on and with.
  • Read par. 8 of the talk "My plea today . . . every good gift."
  • Ask the class members to take a moment to review the bounty of their lives and consider the specific blessings that they have.
  • After a few moment, invite them to write down their blessings.  Allow them a few minutes to do this.
  • After a bit of time, ask the class members to skim the talk and add to their lists any/all of the things Elder Holland says we should be grateful for, e.g. We have a loving Heavenly Father who will never forsake us; We have prophets in our days; and We have communities of believers (wards/branches) to support us.
  • After some more time, ask the class members to review their lists and think about the one item that they are most grateful for.  
  • Have them share that thing with their neighbor.  

Using the Activity:

Pres. Kimball once said that remember is the most important word.  Part of that is because of the spiritual and emotional need we have to remember Father's presence and blessings in our lives.  This activity is designed to help all of us to reflect on and remember not only the fact that we have blessings but also the sheer abundance of our blessings.

As I create this activity, I realize that some people may feel disconnected from those blessings and may have trouble seeing them in their lives.  As you realize this and address it, please do not dismiss their perceptions.  Those feelings are real.  Instead, acknowledge that it can be hard to see all of our blessings at times and bear testimony that even in those moments, Father is there.  Perhaps, as you feel moved upon. share a personal experience from your life.  


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