Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Apr. '22): "Our Heartfelt All"

 For me this was such a great culminating talk (I know Pres. Nelson spoke after this, but Elder Uchtdorf had the last long talk).  The focus on commitment to the Lord and his work was a great way to finish up all that we heard this conference.  

The Activity:

  1. Provide each class member with a pen and paper to write on.  What they write will only be shared with others as they choose.
  2. Ask everyone to make a list-- as long as they can-- of all the things they have to do on a regular day, e.g. make dinner, make the bed, drive to work, etc.
  3. After a few moments, invite the class members to share some of the items on their lists.
  4. Write 6 or 7 of them on the board.
  5. Point out the variety of things we need to do every day and the time these things eat up from our schedule and the energy they take from us.  
  6. Pose the rhetorical question of how we can do all of these things and serve God.
  7. Discuss this for a few minutes.
  8. Read par. 34-39 "As we seek . . . things with joy."
  9. Return to the list on the board.  Ask the class members to consider how the things written there can be seen as an act of love and service to God and/or our fellow people.
  10. After discussing this for a moment, allow the class members to look back at the lists they originally created and consider that same question for the items on their lists.
  11. After a few moments, invite the class members to share an insight with a partner.

Using the Activity:

Obviously, this activity is focused on inviting the class members to apply the doctrine here to their own lives.  The activity itself is designed to increase participation by inviting people to do things that are 1) easy and 2) personal.  So, all answers will be correct (or at least no one but the list makers will really know they are incorrect).  Also, there are a couple of moments built in here to engage the class members in pondering the gospel truths of this talk.  

As always, thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope you have are able to find something useful. 


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