Elder Isaac K. Morrison (Oct. '22): "We Can Do Hard Things through Him"

 This is another talk that I felt really encapsulated one of the themes I felt/found/noticed in this conference-- flourishing through trials by relying on Christ.  I feel this has been a theme for the past few conferences, which given the times is unsurprising.  Still, these talks are helpful as we prepare to pass through trials that we know are coming in some form at some time.

The Activity:

  1. Prepare three posters to be placed around the room.  On the top of each poster, write one of the following questions:
    1. What can we learn from trials?
    2. How are we blessed as we go through trials?
    3. Who is an example you look up to of someone who faced trials by turning to God?
  2. Bring markers/pens to write on the posters with.  Make sure they will not bleed through the paper and stain the wall behind the poster.
  3. During class, point out the posters to the class members.
  4. Invite them to stand up and write one word answers to any and all of the questions.  
  5. Allow the class members a few moments to write on the posters.
  6. After a few minutes, come back together as a class.  Review the answers provided and discuss a couple from each poster.

Using the Activity:

This activity is a way to include the voices (ideas) of a lot of the students without requiring anyone to necessarily speak in front of others.  Plus, the idea of condensing what, in some cases, may be rather involved thoughts down to a single word means that the class members will need to think a bit deeper to best represent their thinking.  Both of these factors-- increasing participation and increasing thinking-- are ways to increase revelation and susceptibility to the Spirit.  

As always, I hope that you find this activity helpful.  May God bless you in your calling.   


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