Elder Joseph W. Sitati (Oct. '22): "Patterns of Discipleship"

 While this talk is not overtly this, it is another talk from this conference that is stressing (demonstrating) to us how we should learn from the way the Savior lived and apply those lessons in our own lives.  


  1. Divide the class into four groups
  2. Assign each group one of the Patterns discussed by Elder Sitati:
    1. Pattern of Faith, par. 1-9
    2. Pattern of Humility, par. 10-17
    3. Pattern of Love, par. 18-25
    4. Pattern of Service, par. 26-30
  3. Ask each group to discuss the following questions about their assigned Pattern:
    1. What actions/thoughts/feelings is this pattern made up of?
    2. What blessings come as we implement this pattern in our lives?
    3. How does this pattern relate to other gospel patterns (in this talk and others)?
  4. After a few minutes for the groups to discuss, come back together as a class.
  5. Ask a representative from each group to share what was discussed in their groups.

Using the Activity:

Sometimes, discuss can be facilitated by providing very concrete questions that allow people to start sharing before moving on to other questions that require more introspection or thought.  This activity attempts to do this by asking a couple of questions out of the gate that have answers (maybe not all of the answers but certainly some of them) which can be found in the text itself.  Then, asking the groups to consider a question that does not have explicit answers in the sections (some answers are alluded to).  

Thank you for visiting my site.  


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